ShinWon declares ESG Management Vision
03. 2024

▶ JJ Park, newly appointed CSO of ShinWon, declares the ‘Year of ESG Management’ 

▶ ShinWon announced three core strategies and eleven strategic imperatives 


▲ JJ Park, CEO of ShinWon(3rd form the left) and employees are taking commemorative photos.
South Korean fashion company ShinWon Corporation (CEO: JJ Park) held an ESG Management Vision Declaration Ceremony to establish a mid-to long-term plan for ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and advance as a sustainable company. 

Through the declaration ceremony, ShinWon aims to publicly announce its comprehensive ESG management system and continue sustainable growth. 

ShinWon announced that JJ Park has been appointed as Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) through the board of directors and will lead responsible management. Based on the management philosophy of ‘Trust, Moderation and Leadership Management,’ ShinWon declared its commitment to practicing exemplary ESG management by conveying the message that ShinWon leads fashion that coexists with society and fulfills its social responsibilities. 

To achieve the ESG Management vision, ShinWon presented three core strategies: ▲Responsible Governance ▲Sustainable Fashion Partner and ▲Serving Our People. Based on these strategies, ShinWon plans to accelerate its ESG Management initiatives by selecting 11 strategic tasks, including establishing an ESG Management system and expanding eco-friendly product offerings. 

▲ JJ Park, CEO of ShinWon is giving a speech at ShinWon 50th Anniversary celebration

CEO JJ Park stated, “We will designate 2024 as the first year of ESG Management and enhance our system through the establishment of dedicated organizations and step-by-step strategy development.” He further added, “We will continue activities such as ongoing reduction in carbon emissions and response to climate change to grow into a recognized company by stakeholders.” 

Meanwhile, to practice ESG Management, ShinWon operates internal DEI&B(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging) committees and supporters to promote an inclusive organizational culture. JJ Park also serves as a member of the Steering Board for RISE (Reimagining Industry to Support Equality), a global collaborative initiative to advance gender equality in global garment supply chains through industry action.